success on youtube — Guide Part — 3

aadrash kumar
1 min readSep 15, 2022


Youtube Success Guide


If you have uploaded your own video, get your friends and family members to view it and rate it. Nothing works like a five star rating. Ask them to chip in with a few good comments as well. The biggest mistake is to assume that uploading a video is the end of it. It needs a lot of promotion to make your video visible.

success on youtube


Now this one is the most obvious idea. Use appropriate and relevant tags for your video. You wouldn’t want a person to miss out on your video if he or she is looking for something similar.

What you’ve read above are just a few ideas you can use to drive traffic to your YouTube profile and thus to your website. You’ll find more as you go along. As you see other users, you’ll pick up a few interesting tactics. The bottom line — be innovative, be observant and be smart.

Full Guide Here-



aadrash kumar

My name is aadrash I live in Haryana, India. I am a college student and I’m also a Wordpress Developer & Blogger. I have 8 months experience of Blogging.